TWD Baking with Julia Child and Dorie Greenspan - Chocolate Truffle Tartlets

Chocolate Truffle Tartlets - What a great way to start baking with TWD!  I know this is my first blog with the group for the Julia Child/Dorie Greenspan Cookbook but I am Super short on time so this is going a Fast Blog. 

Love the chocolate pastry crust flavor!  I kept nibbling as I went =0).

I baked four 6" tartlets and four 4" tartlets.

I used Callebaut white and milk chocolate along with lady finger pieces since I did not have Amaretti cookies or chocolate biscotti on hand.

Delicious!  Tastes a little bit like a brownie.  I love the examples of tartlets shown for Steph of a Whisk and a Spoon and Spike of Spike Bakes.   Happy Baking Everyone!!!!


spike. said…
Looks chock full of goodness
Unknown said…
Glad you're baking along with us. Your tarts look great!
Cher Rockwell said…
Welcome aboard!
Brownie indeed - sounds like a perfect companion to a scoop of ice cream!
Welcome to the TWDBWJ group. Nice shots.

~ Carmen
SEO Services said…
It all started with a cookbook I gifted myself called Baking: From My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan. I had been baking a recipe from it each week for fun. I even said, somewhat jokingly, that I would try to bake every recipe from the book. Well, it turns out I was a little late to that party. A group of bloggers was doing exactly that–baking and blogging about every recipe in Dorie Greenspan’s baking book. Well they have finished that project and ventured onto a new one. This time I have a blog of my own and have joined in on the baking fun.

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smith said…
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matheli said…
TWD Baking with Julia Child and Dorie Greenspan - Chocolate Truffle Tartlets , great post , thanks for it , I was searching it , Thanks
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Unknown said…
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in phong bì giá rẻ

سهام شرکت در هنگ دنگ از سال 2006 تاسیس شده است، پس از بیش از 10 سال از توسعه ما با افتخار به واحد برتر در زمینه طراحی، چاپ و تبلیغات در هانوی می باشد. در طول این سالها شرکت in gia reما همواره تلاش می، غلبه بر بسیاری از مشکلات از رقابت شدید در بازار، افزایش قیمت ورودی xuong inبرای مواد خام، .... حفظ قیمت و کیفیت کالا. محصولات درin bao li xi
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in catalogue فزاینده بهتر، حرفه ای تر. که در طراحی، پیش از چاپ، چاپ و پردازش محصولات به پایان رسید مشهود است. در نتیجه ما جمع آوری تجربه بیشتر و بیشترbáo giá in kẹp file
in giấy khen، به عنوان مشتریان، کلید موفقیت in gia re، سهم بازخورد کمک می کند تا مشتریان ما کامل ترmau ky yeu dep
mau phong bi dep شده و خود افزایش یابد تا به عنوان یکی از mẫu thẻ nhân viên đẹp
In thẻ VIP giá rẻ تولید کنندگان معتبر داخلی و بین المللی است.
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